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As a VISIONARY ARTIST, I make the invisible world of spirit visible.

As a TEACHER, I inspire and encourage your creative spirit to emerge.  I guide you through the exploration of different media and techniques so you can find, and confidently express, your own authentic style and voice.   

As a SOUL STEWARD, I serve as spiritual guide and sacred witness on your creative journey. I hold a loving, safe space for you to awaken, transform, and heal by exploring the depths of your soul through creative and ritual arts experiences.  

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"Artists are the Shamans and myth-makers of our modern world."  ~ Joseph Campbell

My art is born from a deep dive into the mystery of spirit.  I draw inspiration from nature, dreams, meditation, mythology, shamanism and the Wisdom Traditions. My creative process begins with an exploration and journey through the depths of my own inner landscape, as I surrender to the unknown. Here, my psyche surveys the land and subtle realms, swims in the sea of the collective unconscious, comes face to face with the archetypes, meets with mystical guides, dances with the divine, and sometimes flies to the transpersonal spaces beyond! Then, through the lens of my heart and soul, and with the help of my hands, I translate what I see and feel into tangible form. My creative process is a mix of divine imagination, surrender and trust, with a sprinkling of sheer will.

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Read on to learn more about my journey as an Artist, my evolution as a Teacher, and exactly what I mean by the term "Soul Steward".



I have been an artist my whole life. The creative urge and impulse to express has always been a strong presence. 
At a very early age, I showed an interest in mystical images. My mother saved many of my childhood drawings so I am lucky to have a record of many different versions of angels and fantasy landscapes that I drew.  This early body of work also confirms that even from the beginning of my artistic journey, I loved to draw faces.  ( see child art gallery below )

From age three until present day, the portrait has remained my primary vehicle for expression. 

I never seem to tire of painting the many faces of the divine!  Today, although I usually begin with an idea, like a dream image or a vision from a shamanic journey or meditation, I always surrender to the process of creation and allow my divine imagination to reveal the form that the work will take.  I am often surprised at what is revealed through this creative journey, and at who eventually comes through my hands and onto the canvas!  

Most of my portraits are of the face staring straight out at the viewer. Although this was unconscious at first, I have come to understand that I compose them in this way so that it sets up the dynamic of direct communion between the soul I have created on canvas , with the viewer.  With eyes staring straight out, the portraits invite the viewer into direct engagement. Perhaps with a slight shift in perspective, the viewer might get a glimse of the otherworldly when they see my art.  

Although my primary pull as an Artist is towards the Visionary Portraits and Touch Drawings, sometimes my multifaceted soul will long to play and express itself through a different creative medium. I do like to tinker with many different materials including, clay, fiber arts, found and recycled objects, or the beautiful art materials nature provides including flowers, leaves, rocks, sticks, and shells. Some of my earliest memories of creating involved making nature mandalas out of berries, leaves, deconstructed cattails and rocks found around the beautiful brook that surrounded my childhood home. 



Even though art was the central part of my life and a main interest in school, I also had a deep desire to understand the seen and unseen world around me. The big questions that I had as a child like: “Who am I?” and “ Why am I here?” were still vexing me as I graduated from High School. So, I decided to major in philosophy in college! I devoured the study and dug deep into exploring multiple viewpoints of the nature of reality. Eventually, however, the muse's call to Art became strong and couldn’t be ignored. So I switched schools and my major to Studio Art after realizing that I could explore all of my big questions about the universe through my art.

A minor in Art Education followed, and after graduating with my Massachusetts Teacher’s Certification in Art in hand, I began what would be a twenty year stint as a private and public school art teacher. The first two years were in a private Montessori school followed by five years at a public day school for children ages five to eighteen with special needs, and emotional, behavioral, and learning difficulties. There, I had the opportunity to see firsthand the healing power of art in action. There I learned how to create a safe and nurturing container for my students to access and express their inner feelings and spirit through art. With a conviction about the necessity of Art Education, I went back to school for my Masters in Education. Lesley University's program “Creative Arts in Learning” was the perfect multi-faceted program for me… It encompassed Visual Art, Dance, Music, and Theater while providing opportunities to dabble in Art Therapy. 

Next, I moved on to a public school. Here I taught hundreds of children each year in grades four through eight. Knowing Art's power to help cultivate one's emotional and spiritual well-being, I infused my lessons with opportunities for self reflection and authentic expression. I encouraged my students to look within to find their own creative solutions.

After thirteen amazing years, I made the difficult decision to leave my position of security to be a stay at home mom to care for my son, Gabriel. I could write a book about how much my son Gabriel changed my life! ( Actually I am in the process of doing so; The Gift of Gabe is the working title ) I found out prenatally the Gabriel would have Down syndrome. I often wondered if my five years at the school for children with special needs was somehow part of my own soul's master plan to prepare me for Gabe’s arrival?

So I went from teaching hundreds of children to a class of one very special student: my Gabe. Once Gabe started preschool, however, I realized that I missed teaching and having my own work. So, I started Tinker House Studio, where I currently tutor students and small groups privately in Art. Here in my own space, I decided to shift the orientation of the typical educational model. Instead of creating all the lessons myself, I decided to put ownership in the hands of the students. They would help decide and steer the content dictated by their heart and soul’s desire! I figured if I already had clear interests at age five, certainly others could too, and would feel empowered to be able to choose for themselves. Since it’s beginning just a few years ago, I have worked with a wide range of students from as young as two to seventy. I welcome working with all ages and levels of ability. I am now taking Tinker House on the road to accommodate larger workshops on location. Click below to see and learn more about Tinker House Studio on the Facebook page.



My primary goal is to help students access and express their own authentic voice, heart, and soul through their art. I know firsthand, through a lifetime of art-making, that delving into our inner, private, sacred worlds, and revealing that externally though art, can feel intimidating! I know this because I have been there myself! I have felt the judgment of critics, both real and internal. I have doubted my inner visions, and have been scared of sharing them. When we feel this doubt and frustration, the internal critic can make an appearance and throw us off course. This struggle is not an uncommon part of the creative journey. As Soul Steward, I will guide you through these turbulent waters, as you explore new depths of your soul’s expression. 

I created the term Soul Steward to explain my role beyond just the teacher of materials and techniques, and training the biological eye to see. As Soul Steward  I am training you to see with and trust your inner eye. I serve as your loving and spiritual guide through your own creative journey. A steward on a ship attends to the passengers needs. As Soul Steward I am there to hold your hand, or serve as sacred witness when you just need to be left in your own creative process.  After 25 years of teaching, I have learned to anticipate my students’ needs.  The highest goal is that the student will become their own steward and will courageously and confidently sail their ship through the creative waters by following their own soul’s compass.  

Home: Musings & Thoughts


A sampling of where it all began...

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Prints and other products of my Art can be purchased through my Redbubble site Margotmythmaker. Click button below to access. To inquire about purchasing original artwork, or commissioning a work, please contact me! Thank you for your support!

Goddess Brigid
Goddess Lakshmi
Green Tara
Divine Guidance (detail)
Merging Worlds
Cernunnos - Celtic God of the Forest
Flower Deva
Peruvian Shaman
Angel of Alchemy
Celtic Angel
Higher Truth
Return to Self
Goddess iris (detail)
Earth Angel
Goddess Isis...Magical Realism Portrait of Veronica R-S
Artio ~ Celtic Bear Goddess
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What is Touch Drawing?

Touch Drawing is a simple yet profound process that allows the soul to speak through the hands. In Touch Drawing, the fingers take place of brush or pen. Paper is placed over a freshly inked surface, and wherever it is touched, an imprint is made on the backside. This focused yet fluid art form opens a portal that allows for authentic images to flow directly from your fingers and onto the paper.  I have been making Touch Drawings for over 15 years now. For me it is a sacred process that has served as a creative catalyst, a healing art form, and a tool for transformation.  

For the full story of the creator of Touch Drawing and all of its applications, please see .

The works shown here are a sampling from my My Touch Drawing collection. Although Touch Drawings can be brought more fully into form with embellishments of additional art materials, these are all in their raw state.

(with the exception of few where noted)    

First Touch
Stepping into the Void
Divine Child
Cosmic View
In The Beginning
Quiet Flame
Mother Rose
Inner Child/Inner Flame
Spiral Dance
Starry Roots
Ancient Queen
Inner Peace
Armor on
Mama Warrior
One with all things
Sitting in the unsettling
Arianrhod ~ Celtic Goddess of the Moon, the Stars, the Sky
Expanding Joy
Inner Flame
Angelic Healing
Heart Healing
Channeling the Energy
Light Infusion
In the Womb of Mother Earth
Shamanic Trance
Deep in Sorrow
Lifting the Burden
Soul's Expansion
In the thick of it
Mind's Eye
As Above so Below
Divine Intervention
Standing Stone
Leap of Faith
Grandmother's Warning
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"Often the hands will solve a mystery that the intellect has struggled with in vain."

Carl Jung

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Let me bring your vision to life!

It is a true honor and joy to create a work of art for another. I am available to help you bring your unique vision into creation. Just ask, I am up for the challenge!  I've created a vast array of commissions including: portraits, murals, paintings, sculptures, twisted bittersweet arbors, and fences...even a beer can crafted into a flower to commemorate a friends campfire gathering! Message me, and we can begin to talk about your vision for a work of art that I will lovingly create for you. Please see my new SOUL PORTRAIT offerings below!

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A gift of Art is a gift from the heart. I put love, and the intention to bring joy, into each commission that I create.

Margot Slowick

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Two unique opportunities to see your soul depicted in new ways!



Inner portraits are a series of Touch Drawings I make in a single session just for you! I sit face to face with you and set the intention to create significant images that will be meaningful for you, and serve as a catalyst to awaken or perhaps heal a part of your soul. I let my intuition take over, and allow for whatever wants to come forth to materialize on the page in the form of symbolic images, faces and figures. The meaning you derive may be immediate, or may evolve over time the more you view and reflect about them. 



Have you ever imagined yourself as something different, something more?  Would you like to see yourself transformed into a Goddess, Sorcerer, Elf, Faery?  You choose who you would like to be depicted as, and what energy you want the work to emanate, and I will transform your image into a Magical Realism Portrait! The Portrait can serve as a touchstone and reminder of this magical part of yourself, or serve as a symbol of what energies you would like to inhabit.

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You can work with Margot 1:1 at Tinker House Studio in Maynard, MA. She is also available to travel to bring Touch Drawing, and other selected workshops, on location. 

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Margot Slowick

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Images and writing © Margot Slowick. All Rights Reserved. Copying, altering, displaying or redistribution of any of these images without written permission from the artist is prohibited.

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